Introduction to the CHS Families Blog

We all have to start somewhere, and where else to start than at the beginning? Beginnings are very important to everyone who touches the lives of children, whether as a parent or guardian or as a professional working in early childhood education. The first time a child walks, talks, or puts two blocks on top of each other and delights in how wonderful it looks are all milestones on the road to becoming the amazing individuals they were born to be.
We know that children will face bumps in the road, as will you, but we at CHS want to walk alongside you in this journey, whether it’s helping you navigate a learning challenge, address certain behaviors, or discover new ways to engage with your children. This blog will be a place where you can learn more about how you can support your growing child and access resources you may need.
This blog will be part of our new journey as we open our first-ever Early Childhood Education Center in Hershey, Pa., in the fall. We will share our thoughts and learnings from the experience and utilize the expertise of our CHS team. We hope this blend of the latest ideas and practical everyday skills will give you helpful information, new tips, and resources to try, topics including:
- Transitioning Your Child from Home to Early Childhood Education: What You Need to Know
- Healthy Minds, Healthy Families: How to Build Mental Resilience
- Accessing Tools for You and Your Family to Succeed
Whether we share tips for choosing a kindergarten, how to calm an upset child, or ideas for healthy snacks for toddlers, one thing remains at the heart of everything we do: we hope to transform the lives of children by providing them with the foundation for lifelong success.
More than 100 years ago, Catherine Hershey believed every child deserved a chance to thrive. Today, we still believe every child deserves to be nurtured and supported in early childhood so they can lead happy, healthy lives. This belief drives every detail of the CHS experience and drives us every day to do our best for children everywhere.